My Name is Steven.
I am 31 years old.
My favorite subject is Math.
My least favorite subject is English.
The best thing about doing school online is I get to make my own schedule.
When I finish school, I want to be a video game designer.
In my free time, I play video games.
My favorite food is tacos.
I really don't like eating broccoli.
My favorite color is blue.
My best friend is my wife.
My favorite book is The Shattering.
Something new I want to learn this year is how to use Adobe Flash.
I would really like to take a field trip to England.
My favorite holiday is Halloween.
My favorite game to play is World of Warcraft.
My favorite TV show is Doctor Who.
Three words that describe me are: fat, hairy and creative.
If I had 1 wish, I would wish for no more poverty.