Before my kids go to bed, I ask them to pick up their toysand stuff. Most of the time, like 8 out of 10, they do a good job. What what about those toys and things that get left behind?
Toys and shoes belong in the kids bedrooms. They don't belong in the living room, kitchen, hallway or bathroom. They can certainly play with their toys outside of their rooms, but at the end of the day, toys need to be put away.
So tonight I decided to go around the house and pick up what they missed. And boy did they miss alot!
Looks like tomorrow morning rhey will empty the crate after breakfast.
Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you. Psalm 86:4.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Day 10 Homeschooling in the Kitchen
Some of our everyday homeschool supplies and books are kept in the kitchen. We cut an old tv stand to give us storage space. The only down fall to having this extra space is that it tends to be a catch all for everything that was on the kitchen table.
Dinner time comes and I ask the boys to set the table and they put whatever is on the table on the school storage space. And then it looks like this.
After about an hour and half of cleaning and purging, here is our space, all clean and organized.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Day 9 Room to Breathe
It has been over 3 years since our home has actually had a living room. When we moved into this house about 2 years ago, Steven's computer desk was in the living room. His "office" took up most of the space. I didn't bother me, at least I didn't think it did.
Now that we have a living room, with chairs, a couch and a lovesest, I don't want to give it up again.
It is wonderful to be able to sit and read with kids or hang out and watch a movie. Not to mention that the "new to us" couch and love seat are super, super comfy!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Day 8 Gotta Let the Sillies Out
Sometimes ya just gotta toss the bedtime routine out the window and have your older brother style your hair with the vacuum!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Day 7 How Does One Get Paid?
My boys are the at ages where they constantly want money. And around here it is not just freely given. (there are times where we have given them a couple bucks, but it doesn't happen often) Money has to be earned.
We do not pay our children for doing their chores: keeping room cleaned, making bed, dishes/trash/sweep floor. They are required to do those things because it their responsibility as members of the family. That is how they contribute.
They get paid for going above and beyond their regular chores. And they only get paid when their regular chores and schoolwork is done. Ya can't earn money if you don't have time to finish what you are supposed to be doing. Doesn't work that way.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Day 6 Meal Planning
Feeding a family of 6 is no easy task. Especially when you ask them, "what do you want for dinner?" and their reply is "I dunno" or "I don't care."
I hate menu planning, just as much as I hate grocery shopping. But thankfully I have access to the wonderful world of Pinterest and I am a Tastefully Simple Consultant.
I do have a basic plan when planning our menu for the month.
Sunday: crock pot meal
Monday; Mexican (because we LOVE Mexican food)
Tuesday: Dinner at Mom's
Wednesday: Pasta or soup
Thursday: Salad
Friday: Grilled
Saturday: Breakfast (because I LOVE Breakfast food)
Thursday Oct. 1
Friday Oct. 2 Carne Picada Tacos
Saturday Oct. 3 Leftovers with Shrimp
Sunday Oct. 4 Chicken Alfredo
Monday Oct. 5 Twisted Pizza Breadsticks with Salad
Tuesday Oct. 6 Southern BBQ with coleslaw
Wednesday Oct. 7 Leftovers
Thursday Oct. 8 Spaghetti w/ meatballs, garlic bread, and green beans
Friday Oct. 9 Grilled Chicken, cabbage and potatoes
Saturday Oct. 10 Breakfast burritos with fruit
Sunday Oct. 11 Simple Cassoulet
Monday Oct. 12Baked Chicken Chimichangas refried beans and rice
Tuesday Oct. 13 Dinner at Mom's
Wednesday Oct. 14 Chicken noodle Soup with biscuits
Thursday Oct. 15 BBQ Chicken Salad
Friday Oct. 16 Hamburgers and french fries
Saturday Oct. 17 Sausage gravy & biscuits, eggs
Sunday Oct. 18 Chicken 'n Dumplings
Monday Oct. 19 Tacos
Tuesday Oct. 20 Dinner at Mom's
Wednesday Oct. 21
Thursday Oct. 22 Grilled Chicken Salad
Friday Oct. 23 Steak with mushrooms and onions, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts
Saturday Oct. 24 Chocolate chip waffles, sausage, eggs
Sunday Oct. 25 Creamy bayou bourbon chicken rice and green beans
Monday Oct. 26 Cheese'n Rice Quesadillas with added chicken and refried beans
Tuesday Oct. 27 Dinner at Mom's
Wednesday Oct. 28
Thursday Oct. 29
Friday Oct. 30
Saturday Oct. 31
Day 5 Tech Time
I live in a house full of technology: TV, computers, game systems, tablets, and phones. Everywhere you look you will find something. These are common items that are found in most homes.
Most of the time, technology is useful and beneficial. We use computers for schoolwork, paying bills, emails, and work related stuff. But I feel that most of the time spent on these devices is just for fun. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it is in moderation.
Years ago, when my 2 older boys were younger we had established Tech Time Tokens and No-Tech Tuesdays. Tech-Time Tokens were poker chips given out at the beginning of the week. Each token equaled 30 minutes of screen time. The boys would "turn in" a token each time they played or watched TV. No-Tech Tuesdays was just as it sounds, no computers or screen time on anything.
I have been seriously thinking about going back to those two rules. Technology is taking over and I feel that it is getting out of hand, especially with my youngest son and daughter with all my children. It seems that Phillip and Trevor are always on their computers and Annabelle always wants to be watching something on the TV or my phone.
So I think that No Tech Tuesdays and Tech Time Tokens are going to be making a come back, starting tomorrow! And I think I will add No Tech Thursdays too.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Day 4 Hey it's Bedtime, Dude!
So I missed yesterday's post because we got new couches that are oh, so comfy and I fell asleep.
Anyways, let's talk about sleep and bedtime routines, or lack there of.
An established bedtime routine at our house doesn't really exist. Since we homeschool 3 of our 4 children, bedtime can vary most nights. Most nights, because I watch Z and R, the 3 little ones are usually in bed around 8:30/9pm. Their routine consists of pajamas, brush teeth, and watch 1 JustinTime on Netflix.
Patrick has a set bedtime at 10pm. He is the only one that goes to public school and wakes up at 6am to get ready.
Trevor has no set bedtime. Phillip usually goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:30.
The goal for the month is to establish a bedtime routine for all the kids, including Trevor (he just doesn't know it yet).
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Day 3 "Mom, Have you seen my....."
That say is easy to say, but hard to follow. Especially with children.
It never fails. It is time to go and someone can't find something. A shoe, a book, their jacket, whatever it is that they need, they can't find. And it always happens when it is time to go; not during the ten minutes before hand when I tell them to get ready.
Most of our activities take place in the evening, so they do not typically need to get ready the night before. The morning of works for us, most days.
One of my goals this month, is to help my kids remember to put things away so they can find them when they need them. And to be ready when it is time to go.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Day 2 Let Me Check My Calendar
My planner book. At the beginning of the year I searched for a pretty planner book. Because I knew that if it was pretty to look at, both inside and out, I would actually use it. And I do.
I try to write down everything in my planner book, Some months are better than others.
Here's what I write (or try to remember to write)
-when bills are due/paid
-what we had for dinner
-doctor appointments
-school calendar
-anything Tastefully Simple related (parties/events/meetings)
-Family Days
-kids activities
-schedule for Z & R
-important things to remember that happened that day
I also use the calendar app on both my phone and my tablet. And yes, I was able to sync them together! Which is awesome by the way, because I typically do not carry my planner book with me.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Day 1 A Clean Table
If your kitchen table is anything like mine, it is always filled with stuff. It's the place where everything goes, or should I say, ends up. School papers get left behind when completed. Laundry gets folded on the table and then sits, waiting to be put away. Everything ends up on the table.
Having a cluttered table when I wake up in the morning is not a great start to my day. I don't like having to find/clear a spot for the kids to eat breakfast. I feel like I spend most of my morning trying to put things away or find something that I know I last saw on the table. It's frustrating!
So I am going to try very hard to make sure that the table to clean and empty before I go to bed every night.
31 Days Out of Chaos and Into Peace
It's that time of year gain. October 1st. The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are beginning to change and it is Day 1 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge. I have attempted this the last 2 years and have never actually completed it. Hopefully this year will be a success.
My plan is it bring my home from Chaos to Peace by organizing it, and keeping it organized. There are times during the week that I can get one area organized and clean, but then another area becomes a disaster.
Join me this month as I bring my home out of Chaos and into Peace
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Workbox Wednesday 1st Grade
Here's a look into what is in Phillip's Workboxes for school.
I bought this set of drawers about 3 or 4 years ago when they were on clearance at Walmart.
1st Drawer is Bible. This contains he AWANA book, bag and vest, along with his Jesus Storybook Bible.
2nd Drawer is his Daily Learning Notebook. We also chart the weather and mark what day it is on our bulletin board. You can get your copy here of the charts and notebook pages.
I bought this set of drawers about 3 or 4 years ago when they were on clearance at Walmart.
1st Drawer is Bible. This contains he AWANA book, bag and vest, along with his Jesus Storybook Bible.
2nd Drawer is his Daily Learning Notebook. We also chart the weather and mark what day it is on our bulletin board. You can get your copy here of the charts and notebook pages.
3rd drawer is Math. Just a basic addition worksheet for today.
4th Drawer is Reading. We are currently working on 6 new words this week that we will add to our caterpillar on the bulletin board. He also has a notebook to draw a picture in from the book that I read aloud. The current book is The Tale Jolly Robin
5th Drawer is Writing. There are a few worksheets in here for him to complete.
6th Drawer History we do these lessons with Trevor
7th Drawer Science we do these lessons with Trevor
8th Drawer Computer He does a few things on the computer for school., are just a few websites he uses daily.
9th Drawer is a Math Game.
The LAST drawer, #10. Copywork. To help him with his penmenship, he will copy what I write on the page. This week we are using his AWANA verse, John 3:16
I'll post soon what the plan is for Annabelle and her preschool work.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
September 2015 Menu
So the last several months I have been trying to get our grocery budget under control. I try to plan a menu for the month, but I never shop for the month. Well this month I did. I planned the menu and shopped and got about 98% of the groceries I needed and still have quite a bit left in the budget.
There are a few reasons why our menu is a little different. We eat dinner at my Mom's house every Tuesday before Scouts. I also cook intentionally sometimes to have leftovers.
Here is the basic plan for each week:
Sunday: crock pot meal
Monday; Mexican (because we LOVE Mexican food)
Tuesday: Dinner at Mom's
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Salad
Friday: Grilled
Saturday: Breakfast (because I LOVE Breakfast food)
Sunday 9/6: Carolina BBQ
Monday 9/7: Brats and Hot Dogs
Tuesday 9/8: Mexican
Wednesday 9/9: Leftovers
Thursday: 9/10: BBQ Chicken Salad
Friday 9/11: Steak, brussel sprouts w/ bacon, coucous, and mac&cheese for the little people
Saturday 9/12: Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuits & cantaloupe
Sunday 9/13; Cheesy Chicken & Potato Chowder
Monday 9/14: FajitasTuesday 9/15: Mom's House
Wednesday 9/16: Leftovers
Thursday 9/17: Grilled Chicken on salad
Friday 9/18: Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and cabbage
Saturday 9/19: Breakfast Casserole with mandarin oranges and strawberries
Sunday 9/20: Beef Barley Soup with biscuits
Monday 9/21: Court of Honor for Troop 10
Tuesday 9/22: Mom's House
Wednesday 9/23: Grilled Chicken, mac and cheese, green beans
Thursday 9/24: Shrimp Cobb Salad
Friday 9/25: Eggs, sausage, grits and toast
Saturday 9/26: Phillip's Birthday!!
Sunday 9/27: Taco Soup
Monday 9/28: Chicken enchiladas
Tuesday 9/29: Mom's house
Wednesday 9/30; Leftovers
Thursday 10/1: Grilled Flank Steak salad
Friday 10/2: Grilled chicken, zucchini, potatoes & onions
Saturday 10/3: Sausage gravy & biscuits and eggs
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Back to School....
Wow! It's been forever since I posted on my blog. Almost an entire year. Hopefully I can get back into blogging.
Last Tuesday, July 7th, was the first day of school. I know, crazy early right?!
Well, this year Patrick is attending Holly Grove Middle School in Holly Springs. He as been asking to go back to public school, and we said YES! He has been so excited about going to school, riding the bus, and seeing his friends. Getting up early and going to bed early is not really is favorite new things but he is adjusting, without complaining.
Trevor and Phillip are still being home schooled. Trevor is in the 7th grade and Phillip is in 1st grade.
Trevor's curriculum:
Math: Saxon 6/7th. We started this book last year, will finish it this year.
Spelling: Spelling Power
Writing: Writing Strands Level 3
Grammar: Write Source 2000 Skills Book
Vocabulary: Building Vocabulary Skills, Short Version , 3
Science: Year 4 (Chemistry/Physics)
History: Year 4 (Modern History)
Bible: Year 4 (Book of John & the prophets)
Spanish: Spanish 6th level
Trevor's Goals for 7th Grade:
become a better reader
become a better writer
pass 7th grade

Phillip's Curriculum:
I'm not really using one particular curriculum for a subject for Phillip. He has a mix between worksheets, websites and hands on activities. But here is a list of websites that he uses:
Science: Year 4 (Chemistry/Physics)
History: Year 4 (Modern History)
Bible: Year 4 (Book of John and the prophets)
Phillip's Goals for 1st Grade:
become a better reader
become a better writer
master addition and subtraction
Annabelle is still enjoying the adventure. We are reading more and will continue to work on letters, numbers, colors and shapes.
Last Tuesday, July 7th, was the first day of school. I know, crazy early right?!
Well, this year Patrick is attending Holly Grove Middle School in Holly Springs. He as been asking to go back to public school, and we said YES! He has been so excited about going to school, riding the bus, and seeing his friends. Getting up early and going to bed early is not really is favorite new things but he is adjusting, without complaining.
Trevor and Phillip are still being home schooled. Trevor is in the 7th grade and Phillip is in 1st grade.

Math: Saxon 6/7th. We started this book last year, will finish it this year.
Spelling: Spelling Power
Writing: Writing Strands Level 3
Grammar: Write Source 2000 Skills Book
Vocabulary: Building Vocabulary Skills, Short Version , 3
Science: Year 4 (Chemistry/Physics)
History: Year 4 (Modern History)
Bible: Year 4 (Book of John & the prophets)
Spanish: Spanish 6th level
Trevor's Goals for 7th Grade:
become a better reader
become a better writer
pass 7th grade

Phillip's Curriculum:
I'm not really using one particular curriculum for a subject for Phillip. He has a mix between worksheets, websites and hands on activities. But here is a list of websites that he uses:
Science: Year 4 (Chemistry/Physics)
History: Year 4 (Modern History)
Bible: Year 4 (Book of John and the prophets)
Phillip's Goals for 1st Grade:
become a better reader
become a better writer
master addition and subtraction
Annabelle is still enjoying the adventure. We are reading more and will continue to work on letters, numbers, colors and shapes.
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