1 month!
3 days old |
This month has flown by. I can't believe that my sweet baby girl is already 1 month old. She is such a beautiful baby that has brought our family so much joy. Annabelle was 7lbs when she was born and weighed 6lbs. 10oz. when we left the hospital. It's normal for babies to lose weight, no big deal. The doctor wanted to see her the next day to check her weight again. Due to the icy weather we were unable to make that appointment. So, we went on Monday. She still was losing weight and needed to be seen again later the same week.
1 week old |
I had decided during the pregnancy that I was going to nurse Annabelle. She had trouble latching at the hospital but the few times she did, she did great. So we kept going when we got home. She struggled to latch but when she did, she nursed for about 20 minutes every 2 hours or so. I thought she was getting enough because there really is no way to measure how much they eat when they are breastfed. She consistently had wet and dirty diapers. Unfortunately she still wasn't gaining weight. Her weight dropped to 6 lbs. 2 oz. The doctor was concerned. She told me to supplement with formula. The nurse sent us home with a few sample cans to get us started.
2 weeks old |
So I continued to nurse Annabelle, then gave her a bottle afterwards for each feeding. I didn't think it was going to bother me giving her formula but it did. I sat with her and cried as I nursed her, then gave her a bottle, then pumped. That took 1 1/2 hours! And then I had to do it all again in another 30-45 minutes. All the while I could hear my boys in the living room arguing with each other. I really struggled with the decision to stop nursing her and just give her formula. I had posted on Facebook my struggle and had an out pour of support from my friends. One comment really brought things into perspective for me.She reminded me that God gave me a healthy, pregnancy, an uncomplicated birth, and a beautiful healthy baby girl. He didn't however give me the capability to nurse my children. I made the decision that was best for Annabelle, for me and the rest of my family. Even with this new precious baby, I am a mom to 3 boys who need me.
Valentine's Day |
Now that Annabelle is a formula fed baby, things have returned to normal. Normal? Wrong word. Things have settled down as we all adjust. Annabelle has reached her birth weight and then some. At her 1 month check up, she weighed a whooping 8 lbs. 7 oz. She's getting to be a big girl! She eats 4 oz every 4-5 hours and has slept for about 5 1/2 almost 6 hours at night now that she is swaddled. Maybe next month she will move to her crib in her room.