Building with marshmallows....
Phillip has been in his cast for about 5 weeks. We had a doctor appointment and next week he gets it off. I am so excited!!! I know that Phillip is ready for it to come off. He has been a real trooper about not being able to do a lot of things that his brothers can do.
Phillip napping.

We have officially started our 2012-2013 school year on July 30. Trevor is in 4th grade and Patrick is now a 3rd grader. My plan is to do some basic things with Phillip if I can figure out a daily schedule. Maybe this week we can get some beginning of school pictures done. Better late than never right? Our schedule this year is something a little different. 3 weeks on then 1 week off. So far it's working for us. Hoping to be able to get ahead so we can take a little longer break when our baby arrives late January/early February.