Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Time Flies.. 8 & 9 month updates

Well Annabelle has mastered crawling. Yep, she crawls all over the house which meant that it was time to break out the baby gates. She is still a happy baby and is developing her own personality, kinda a drama queen at times.

Annabelle weighs about 24 pounds and still wears a size 4 diapers. She wears 18-24 months clothes. She's a big girl!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 16 Morning work

Practice makes perfect. 
Trevor and Patrick work on telling time, money and calendar. They are using worksheets I found at here.

Phillip works on writing his name and identifying letters. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 15 Taking a break

There are days when you just need a break from the books.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 14 Meet the teacher....

So I had a request from a friend for a "Meet the Teacher" post since I introduced/interviewed my older boys and hubby. So here goes....

My name is Annie.

When I was younger, I was...

a daughter.

a sister.

a student.

a cheerleader.

a softball player.

a babysitter.

a friend.

Now that I am 30, things have changed.

I am still a daughter and a sister. But now I'm the teacher instead of the student. I'm my kids and hubby's biggest fan so I will always be a cheerleader. I don't play on a softball team anymore. I babysit when needed. And I consider myself a good friend to have.

I am now a wife, mother, accountant, seamtress, secretary, chauffeur, chef, consultant, maid, daughter in law, sister-in-law and I wouldn't give up any of these new titles for the world. I love my life.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 13 Meet My College Freshman

My Name is Steven.

I am 31 years old.

My favorite subject is Math.

My least favorite subject is English.

The best thing about doing school online is I get to make my own schedule.

When I finish school, I want to be a video game designer.

In my free time, I play video games.

My favorite food is tacos.

 I really don't like eating broccoli.

My favorite color is blue.

My best friend is my wife.

My favorite book is The Shattering.

Something new I want to learn this year is how to use Adobe Flash.

I would really like to take a field trip to England.

My favorite holiday is Halloween.

My favorite game to play is World of Warcraft.

My favorite TV show is Doctor Who.

Three words that describe me are: fat, hairy and creative.

If I had 1 wish, I would wish for no more poverty.

Day 12 Meet My 4th Grader

My name is Patrick.

I am 9 years old.

My favorite subject is art.

My least favorite subject is math.

The best thing about being home schooled is I get to play the computer afterwards.

When I grow up I want to be an artist.

In my free time, I play with Legos.

My favorite food is steak. 

I really don't like eating peas.

My favorite color is black.

My best friends are Reese, Carter and Eziekel.

My favorite book is Darth Paper Strikes Back.

Something new I want to learn this year is play an electric guitar.

I would really like to take a field trip to the set of Lab Rats.

My favorite holiday is my Birthday.

My favorite game to play is Clue.

My favorite TV show is Lab Rats.

Three words that describe me are: skinny, strong and artistic

If I had 1 wish it would be to be a pro skater.

Day 11 Meet My 5th Grader....

My name is Trevor.

I am 10 years old.

My favorite subject is math.

My least favorite subject is history.

The best thing about being home schooled is doing school in your pajamas.

When I grow up I want to be a professional video gamer.

In my free time, I play the computer.

My favorite food is shrimp.

I really don't like eating peas.

My favorite color is red.

My best friends are Sammy, Jake, David, Nicholas, Zachery, Caleb

My favorite book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Something new I want to learn this year is how to play the guitar.

I would really like to take a field trip to space.

My favorite holiday is Christmas.

My favorite game to play is Batman Arkham City.

My favorite TV show is Teen Titans Go.

Three words that describe me are: tall, smart and strong

If I had 1 wish it would be to never run out of wishes. 

Day 10 More than just books....

Homeschooling is more than just teaching from books. Yes, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic are important, but so is knowing how to clean and cook. It's not just for girls. Both my older boys love to help cook. And they do a pretty tasty job at it too. Trevor and Patrick are responsible for keeping their rooms clean, making their beds, folding their own laundry and doing their monthly chore ( floors or dishes).

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 9 Saturday mornings

It's 9:44 am on a Saturday morning. Here's a glimpse into my morning....

I'm working on my Tastefully Simple party from last night. 

Annabelle is taking a morning nap. 

Trevor still sleeping. 

Phillip watching cartoons. 

Patrick making breakfast; chocolate chips pancakes. 

Saturday mornings were made for sleeping late, chocolate chip pancakes and cartoons. 

Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 8 TaeKwonDo Thursdays

The boys have been going to Taekwondo for several months now and love it. They are working hard on learning new forms so they can test for their yellow belt soon.